
Periodontal Treatment

Maintaining healthy gums is just as important as keeping your teeth in good condition. Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is a significant oral health issue that can lead to severe consequences if left untreated. At Complete Dental Care, Dr. T.J. Scarborough and Dr. Nick Sampalis provide expert periodontal treatment in Kellogg and Spokane to help patients maintain healthy gums and overall oral health.

Periodontal Treatment Kellogg and Spokane

Understanding Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that support your teeth, including the gums, periodontal ligaments, and jawbone. It begins with the accumulation of plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—on the teeth. If plaque is not removed through regular brushing and flossing, it hardens into tartar (or calculus). Tartar buildup irritates the gums, leading to inflammation and the early stage of periodontal disease known as gingivitis.



If you don’t treat gingivitis, it can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease. During periodontitis, the gums pull away from the teeth, forming infected pockets. The body’s immune response to this infection, combined with the bacteria’s toxins, starts breaking down the bone and connective tissue that hold teeth in place. Without intervention, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and has been linked to other serious health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.


Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Early detection of periodontal disease is crucial for effective periodontal treatment in Spokane. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Red, swollen, or tender gums
  • Bleeding gums during brushing or flossing
  • Persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth
  • Receding gums, making teeth appear longer
  • Loose or shifting teeth
  • Formation of deep pockets between teeth and gums


If you experience any of these symptoms, scheduling a periodontal evaluation at Complete Dental Care is essential.


Periodontal Therapy in Kellogg or Spokane at Complete Dental Care

Dr. T.J. Scarborough and Dr. Nick Sampalis provide personalized periodontal care to address each patient’s unique needs. Our approach to periodontal treatment includes:


Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy

Non-surgical periodontal treatment in Kellogg is often the first line of defense against periodontal disease, particularly in its early stages. The goal is to control the infection and prevent further damage. Non-surgical periodontal therapy may include:

  • Scaling and Root Planing: This deep cleaning procedure involves removing plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline (scaling) and smoothing the root surfaces (root planing) to help gums reattach the teeth. Scaling and root planing are effective in reducing gum inflammation and pocket depths.
  • Antibiotic Therapy: We may prescribe antibiotics to help control bacterial infection in conjunction with scaling and root planing. This can involve topical antibiotics applied directly to the infected gum pockets or oral antibiotics to eliminate bacteria throughout the mouth.


Surgical Periodontal Treatment in Spokane and Kellogg

In cases where periodontal disease has advanced, surgical intervention may be necessary. Surgical periodontal therapy in Kellogg and Spokane at Complete Dental Care includes:

  • Flap Surgery: Also known as pocket reduction surgery, flap surgery involves lifting the gums to remove tartar and bacteria from deep periodontal pockets. The gums are then sutured back into place, reducing the size of the pockets and making it easier to keep the area clean.
  • Bone and Tissue Grafts: Grafting procedures may be required when periodontal disease has caused significant damage to the bone or soft tissues. Bone grafts help regenerate lost bone tissue, while soft tissue grafts restore receding gums. These procedures help rebuild the structures that support your teeth and improve the overall health of your gums.
  • Guided Tissue Regeneration: This procedure promotes the growth of new bone and gum tissue by placing a special membrane between the gum and bone. It is often used with bone grafts to restore the bone supporting the teeth.


Maintenance and Aftercare

Periodontal maintenance is critical to prevent the recurrence of gum disease after treatment. Dr. Scarborough and Dr. Sampalis will work with you to develop a customized maintenance plan, which may include more frequent dental cleanings and check-ups and a rigorous at-home oral hygiene routine.

Regular periodontal maintenance visits will include a thorough examination, scaling, and root planing to remove any new tartar buildup and monitor your gum health. Consistent maintenance is essential to preserving the results of your periodontal treatment and ensuring long-term oral health.


Why Choose Complete Dental Care for Periodontal Treatment?

At Complete Dental Care, our team is committed to providing comprehensive periodontal care in a comfortable and supportive environment. Dr. T.J. Scarborough and Dr. Nick Sampalis have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating all stages of periodontal disease, from early gingivitis to advanced periodontitis.

We use the latest techniques and technologies to deliver effective periodontal treatment tailored to each patient’s needs. Our goal is to help you achieve and maintain a healthy smile for life.


Periodontal Treatment in Kellogg and Spokane

If you’re experiencing symptoms of gum disease or it’s been a while since your last dental check-up, don’t wait to seek periodontal treatment in Kellogg and Spokane. Early intervention can prevent the progression of periodontal disease and protect your oral health. Schedule an appointment today!

Contact Complete Dental Care in Kellogg or Spokane to schedule your periodontal evaluation with Dr. T.J. Scarborough or Dr. Nick Sampalis today. We’re here to help you achieve optimal oral health and a beautiful smile.